
Taiwan Association of Social Workers

【國際新知】2016 CIF社會工作專業人員國際交流方案 International Professional Exchange Program for Social Workers 2015/10/27



    為增進臺灣的社工專業人員出國交流學習機會,社工專協推動成立CIF Taiwan(社團法人臺灣社會工作專協人員國際交流協會),並促成國際組織CIF(Council of International Fellowship)通過CIF Taiwan為其第32個會員國。
    明年(2016)許多會員國的社工國際交流方案/ International Professional Exchange Program for Social Workers(IPEP)簡章已公告,有意參加者,歡迎加入為CIF Taiwan會員,並於各國公告的deadline往前推15天以前,將IPEP申請資料email至CIF Taiwan,CIF Taiwan初選完畢將為符合資格者寫推薦信,並於各會員國deadline前,提送給主辦會員國決選。

必須email給CIF Taiwan申請之日期



Austria, Finland, German, Israel, Scotland (UK), Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA









  1. CIF Taiwan初選&主辦國決選:將審核資格並訪談申請者、為符合資格者撰寫推薦信,並於各會員國deadline前,將推薦信與申請資料提送主辦國決選。
  2. 截止日後數周內,申請者將收到主辦國通知甄選結果。


CIF Taiwan members - Apply CIF IPEP

  1. Brief Introduction of CIF, CIF Taiwan, IPEP: goo.gl/zBSbc0.
  2. What’s CIF IPEP: Components of a typical exchange program 
    1. Orientation: The orientation of a program is aimed at providing a theoretical framework to understand the social, economic and cultural trends prevalent in the country with a historical perspective, building group cohesiveness, tolerance and understanding.
    2. Experience in a multicultural group: Every participant presents work methods and intervention strategies, as well as the socioeconomic situation and cultural trends of her/his own country. This facilitates cultural exchange, cross-cultural training, and sharing of ideas and skills.
    3. Agency Placements: Participants are placed to train in agencies related to their own specialized field, to observe and experience professional social work in the host country.
    4. Host Family Living: Living with host families provides participants with an unique cultural experience that enriches the understanding and tolerance of diversities and develops lasting cross-cultural friendships.
    5. Evaluation: Evaluation offers participants an opportunity to clarify new gained impressions, knowledge and experience, in order to assess the effectiveness of the program.
  3. Who is eligible: In order to apply you must be:
    1. A member of CIF Taiwan (have paid the membership fee).
    2. A professionally qualified social worker at least two years’ experience.
    3. Employed as a social worker.
    4. Involved in direct service delivery with clients.
  4. Responsibilities

As a CIF participant from Taiwan, you are responsible for:

  1. Your own travel costs to and from the exchange program
  2. Full travel insurance coverage including third party liability and health (verification from the insurer must be presented prior to the commencement of the program).
  3. The registration fee as specified by the country to which you are applying.
  4. Visa application costs if applicable.
  5. Living expenses which are not related to participation in the actual program, e.g. toiletries, gifts, souvenirs, personal travel and all expenses before and after the program).
  6. Costs associated with phone calls and internet usage.
  7. Active participation for the length of the program. Visiting family or friends during the duration of the program is not an accepted practice as this interferes with the intention and integrity of the program. Any private travel arrangements should be organized outside of the specified program dates.
  8. Participants are not able to work while participating in the CIF exchange program.
  9. Understand and speak English fluently or the program language of the country as specified.
  10. Commit to be an active member of CIF Taiwan for at least 2 years after you return from your exchange program.
  11. Apply  
    1. Find your program

All the CIF programs are available for viewing on the CIF International website: www.cifinternational.com. You will also find links to the websites of hosting countries which will enable you to find out more detailed information.

  1. Complete and email your application to CIF Taiwan
    1. Download the application form (www.cifinternational.com/?page_id=17 ).  Fill it in and remember to save it. Make sure you indicate the ‘country of choice’ clearly at the top of the form. If you are applying for more than one program, ensure you complete an application for each program and clarify your preferences.
    2. Send your application with the documents those can prove your working experience and a scanned passport photo via email to ciftaiwan@gmail.com.  
    3. If you are applying for more than one program please email these applications separately and name the file according to the country for which you are applying. 
    4. Please ensure all of above documents are sent to CIF Taiwan at least 15 days prior to the closing date in the host country. For example if you want to apply for a program that closes on the 1st December, please ensure you have your application to CIF Taiwan by the 15th November. Do not send your application to the host country, as it will be sent back to CIF Taiwan, which may delay the process.
  2. Selection
    1. Selection by CIF Taiwan: CIF Taiwan will contact you for an interview for recommendation to the host country. Then we will write recommendation for the qualified applicants and send the related profiles to the host National Branches before every NB’s deadline.
    2. Selection by the host National Branches: You will receive written notification few weeks after the closing date if you have been accepted by the host country.

#Want to become a member of CIF Taiwan? Check: goo.gl/3CXwj5.

# CIF Taiwan was found and support by TASW (Taiwan Association of Social Workers 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會 www.tasw.org.tw ).